github 图像ai项目_如何在Github项目存储库中添加社交媒体图像
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github 图像ai项目

Sharing links without a social image can turn powerful content into a flop. How can we take advantage of the real estate social media gives us when sharing our hard work on Github?

共享没有社交图像的链接可以将强大的内容变成失败的内容。 在Github上分享我们的辛勤工作时,我们如何利用房地产社交媒体给我们的好处?

Want to skip ahead of the “what” and “why”?  !

是否想跳过“什么”和“为什么”? !

图像在社交媒体中的影响 (Impact of images in social media)

Any social media feed is a flurry of content that can be difficult to completely digest. As you swipe or scroll through the feeds, you’ll be met with some text-based content and a ton of media.

任何社交媒体提要都是一堆内容,可能很难完全消化。 滑动或滚动Feed时,您会遇到一些基于文本的内容和大量媒体。

And this is for a good reason! As you scan the example above, what stands out? Not the t from on the left, but the AWS in the middle, dog nose in the top left, and Al Pacino in the top right among the other large media posts.

这是有充分理由的! 当您浏览上述示例时,有什么突出之处? 不是在t 左侧,但在中间的AWS,在最高的狗鼻子离开了,阿尔·帕西诺在其他大型媒体帖子中右上角。

Images, gifs, and videos are a good way to provide eye-catching content. As a bonus, they typically take up much more space in the feed, making it even more likely you’ll get a chance to see it.

图片,GIF和视频是提供引人注目的内容的好方法。 作为奖励,它们通常会在Feed中占用更多的空间,从而使您更有机会看到它。

Github上的最低要求 (The bare minimum on Github)

When sharing your Github projects to social media, the default option is pretty bland. Take this tweet as an example:

将您的Github项目共享到社交媒体时,默认选项是平淡无奇的。 以以下推文为例:

Github gives us a simple that’s comprised of our Github avatar, the path of our project, and the short description from the top of the page.

Github为我们提供了一个简单的 ,其中包括我们的Github化身,项目的路径以及页面顶部的简短说明。

Now it’s great they even show a card to begin with and to be fair, what would they show? But this tweet is going to get skipped pretty easily in people’s feeds between big, shiny images.

现在好极了,他们甚至出示一张卡片开始并公平地说,他们会展示什么? 但是,这条推文将很容易在人们的饲料中被跳过,而不会出现在大型闪亮图像之间。

Github社交媒体图片 (Github social media images)

Luckily, Github provides us with a nice and easy way to add an image to each repo that can help the content we share work for itself a little more.


With a little creative work, we can upload an image that will that will take advantage of the space on people’s feeds and get your work the attention it deserves.


Before we dive in, it should be noted that you must have the appropriate access to be able to modify the settings of the repository in order to change the image. If you created the repo, chances are you have this access.

在我们深入之前,应注意,您必须具有适当的访问权限,才能修改存储库的设置才能更改映像。 如果您创建了存储库,则很可能具有此访问权限。

查找或创建图像 (Finding or creating an image)

Before we upload an image, we need an image in the first place.  You can go one of two routes: finding an image or creating a new one.

上传图片之前,首先需要一张图片。 您可以采用以下两种方法之一:查找图像或创建新图像。

If you want to go the simple route, you can look around for free to use images that are pretty easy to find on the web. A favorite of mine is , as you’ll typically find high quality images, but there are a ton of others you can find with . However, adding photos is usually better served for blog posts and content-based posts.

如果您想走简单路线,可以免费环顾四周以使用在网络上很容易找到的图像。 我最喜欢的是 ,因为通常可以找到高质量的图像,但是您就可以找到很多其他图像。 但是,添加照片通常更好地用于博客文章和基于内容的文章。

The better route is to create your own. The advantage of creating an image is you can customize it with large text to catch some extra attention in the feed.

更好的方法是创建自己的。 创建图像的优点是您可以使用大文本对其进行自定义,以在供稿中引起更多关注。

There are a that are available that allow you to create an image starting with a social media specific template, so you don’t need to spend the money on to get there.

有可用 ,可让您从特定于社交媒体的模板开始创建图像,因此您无需花钱在即可到达那里。

The only requirement for your image is that its size must be at least 640×320px. If possible, strive for at least 1280×640px to make sure the image is showing at a high resolution in feeds.

您图像的唯一要求是其尺寸必须至少为640×320px。 如果可能,请争取至少1280×640px,以确保图片在Feed中以高分辨率显示。

将图像添加到您的Github存储库 (Adding an image to your Github repo)

Once we have our image, we’re just left with adding the image to our repo, which is arguably the simpler part.


First, navigate to the Settings of your Repo using the tab navigation towards the top of the page. As a reminder, you need to be able to modify the settings to change the image.

首先,使用页面顶部的标签导航导航到您的仓库的设置。 提醒一下,您需要能够修改设置以更改图像。

Next, scroll down to the Social Preview section, where if you don't currently have an image set, you’ll find a big empty rectangle with an edit button in the bottom left corner.


Click the Edit button, select Upload an image, then find your image on your computer and select the file.


Once selected, your image file will be uploaded to Github and set as your social image!


预览新图像 (Previewing your new image)

When you’re done uploading your image, you can make your way to your favorite social platform and give it a try. Posting to Twitter for example will now show a nice big image instead of your small Github avatar!

上传完图片后,您可以进入自己喜欢的社交平台并尝试一下。 例如,发布到Twitter将现在显示一个不错的大图像,而不是您的小Github头像!

As you can see, this tweet is maximizing the space available and getting the point across about what the project is about.


创建图像时的一些技巧 (A few tips when creating images)

大而简单的文字 (Large, simple text)

It can be easy to get caught up in over-designing a graphic or not paying enough attention to the font size. Make sure you use big letters with a font that’s easy to read, so when someone scrolls past your post, they can understand it and not just skip it.

可能容易陷入过度设计图形或对字体大小没有足够重视的状态。 确保使用大字体和易于阅读的字体,这样当有人滚动浏览您的帖子时,他们可以理解它,而不仅仅是跳过它。

Do you have a logo for your project? Or is it a plugin for a specific tool? Try adding a logo to immediately give context about what the project is about!

您的项目有徽标吗? 还是特定工具的插件? 尝试添加徽标以立即提供有关项目内容的上下文!

最大化分辨率 (Maximize resolution)

No one likes looking at poor quality images. Take advantage of all of those precious pixels and upload an image that will translate to high quality in a feed. Github particularly recommends an image size of at least 1280×640px.

没有人喜欢看质量低劣的图像。 利用所有这些珍贵的像素,并上传可在Feed中转换为高质量的图像。 Github特别建议图像尺寸至少为1280×640px。

还有其他技巧可以最大程度地增加社交分享吗? (Have any other tricks to maximize sharing on social?)

Share your favorite tips with me on !



github 图像ai项目


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